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14 restarts, 3 failed runs. i shouldn’t be telling myself “it’s only 25% more health, and 50% faster bullets” because that line of thinking doesn’t assume that a lot can change in between a normal and an arcade run.

also apparently i lost all memory of phase 1, hurf da durf. time for some exhaustive sim15-rb1 training sessions in arcade difficulty tomorrow

several failed runs at rfj score attack to warm up, and then tried another serious arcade attempt.

unfortunately, my left wrist decided to lock up (thanks gamepads, rsi all staffs) during playing, so i had to make do and try not to run into bullets and gave up on medal collection in stage 45.

on the plus side, at least i’m 3 million away from my previous RFJ Japan record. so I can probably do better.

wow holy shit

“You’re a real liar! This is fake. You can’t earn 100,000,000 points on Normal difficulty or above. It’s 100% virtually impossible. No Americans can do that. Only Japan can do that. Valcon Games disabled this function upon the game’s release. This video should go straight into trash and never should viewed again. This is just a video that only pussies would fall for. How stupid! STUPID! STUPID!! STUUUPIIIIIIDDD!!!!”

(read comments section)

he also posted on gamefags:

“How can you honestly do that when you need to set the game’s difficulty to Normal? It’s impossible because enemy bullets are everywhere and it’s not always possible to dodge. Everyone should just give this achievement up. Nobody in the US can do that. This is a Japan-only thing. End of story.”

also sent me a pm on xbox live (his gamertag is “Zeitgeist EX” btw):

“How do you actually intend to get 100,000,000 Scores in Raiden Fighter Aces? That’s impossible for me because I have to play on Normal difficulty and I can’t use continues and I can’t evade enemy attacks. Nothing works and now I believe this is Japan only”

i’m so fuckin stoked i got a falsificare, that means i’m in the BIG LEAGUES

Not much to report on as my progress has been mostly non-existant. The no-miss continues to elude me. Every day I play few full runs which vary between 2-5 miss clears. I got tired of “only mostly working” safespot for the big lasers the final boss sends out in the beginning of the fight when he’s still in the background, so I’ve been training on dodging them properly. I’ve done it several times on practice mode, but on both times I tried it in a full run I got hit. That’s kinda annoying.

I’ve also managed to break the 6 million point barrier twice now. Another thing that’s sorta annoying, but for a different reason. At one point I was thinking that after the no-miss I could work on hitting 6m, because I believed the no-miss to be a requirement for it (since I most often die at bosses and dying there delays their destruction, which has a negative impact on the resulting bonus). And since the game doesn’t reward any points on clear based on remaining lives, it’s entirely possible I’ll get the no-miss with a lower score. Though there’s still at least two score-improving tricks I haven’t used…but it’s not like the game is based on scoring (in fact, it’s somewhat random) so it doesn’t matter much. There’s not even a high-score thread on the forums.

I am getting a bit tired of the game though. I can do most of it on mental autopilot, only needing to really focus on few spots – and the final boss fight – that I know can be problematic. And it’s still at these parts where I get hit. Maybe I should play something else for a while so I can let my poor brain rest and process some of the the accumulated EV data. I’m just worried that I’ll end up forgetting about the game completely.

nah actually i’m just redoing the rfj strategy guide, pranked

i just realized how fucking badly it was written i’m gonna need a proofreader and checker

guess i’ll use shmups irc

I’m playing R-Type Leo C.rev; I currently prefer the lack of checkpoints (which the C.rev has) over everything being mapped to one button (which the D.rev has). I can 1-life it to stage 5 if I have the concentration on me, I’d say that’s a good sign.

What’s not a good sign is that Imperishable Night is more frustrating than it needs to be. Now, I’m terrible at these games so I can’t do any no-miss/no-bomb Lunatic runs or anything like that, so I just stick to trying to do that on Easy. I do so, and completely screw up all of Kaguya’s Last Spells. There’s only one of those that’s even halfway a problem, but here I lose to them all.

Was too frustated to go any further. I’ll try again later.

In other news, I just picked up Super Smash Bros. Melee and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles again, playing those.

Back on the R-Type Leo warpath.

I keep tripping up somewhere in stage 3, but I think I’ve got that under control. Stage 4 is a snap, and I’ve pretty much figured out proper movements for the boss… I just need to put it into action.

I picked up the 5-star on Master of Puppets Expert Guitar.  This despite never getting any good at comboing the verse riff.  I was actually thinking during the run about how I had to take that riff into practice until I could consistently carry the chord -> hammer-on sections.  Instead, I comboed almost the entire solo and just eked out the 5th star during the outro.

I’m not really thrilled with the score, so I will keep plugging at the verse until I’m at least over 500k on the song.  But mostly I’m on to Hit the Lights now, where I’ve got like an 89% 4-star.

I’m Log -5 at this point.  Hit the Lights, Fight Fire with Fire, Battery, Dyer’s Eve  and of course War Ensemble.   Those last three are not imminent.  I’ll probably switch back to working on GHII before putting real time into those.

Three runs today, three clears. At least I’m consistent. And, as it turns out, quite close the my goal. My first run of the day was in fact a 1miss. A single mistake in Stage 4 to one of the ballistic balls shot by the boss. Everything else was perfect, even the final boss. Interestingly enough, the other two runs went progressively worse – a 2miss followed by a 3miss. Both had two deaths against the final boss. Despite that (or because of it) I’m starting to feel quite confident in my final boss tactics.

Every death now teaches me something…or reminds me of what I’ve learned previously. Just gotta keep playing, I’m almost there.

Cleared the game again, this time with five misses.  The stupid death of the run happened in Stage 4 where I ran into a bullet quite literally from all the way across the screen. Didn’t watch where I was going.  Three deaths against the final boss, the last one happened like half a second before it died.

The remaining death happened at my possibly last remaining trouble spot outside the final boss: The fifth boss’ purple homing shots. Actually, he shoots them two times, once in both his forms. I’ve figured how to destroy the first form fast enough so that he doesn’t get a chance to fire them, but the second form is a bit more problematic in that regard. There is a way to do it, as shoe demonstrates here by reflecting the boss’ drill back at him with a charged gatling shot. But it’s very, very hard to pull off. After some practice I was able to do it once, but you’d have to do it three times in order to destroy the boss fast enough. I checked my video capture footage and discovered that the window in which you have to fire the shot to reflect the drill is only 4 frames. Too soon and you hit the boss without reflecting the drill, too late and the drill has already hit you. It’s too risky a technique to use in full-game runs (unless somebody’s looking to squeeze every single point out of the game), so I went for the safer option – figuring out how to dodge the purple homing lasers.  Since they’re homing it’s all about moving at the right time and I think I got a good pattern for them now.

And in the process I also revised my Stage 5 strategy to give some more points while also providing more safety, so it was a very good day for practice.


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