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And that’s a no-bomb clear of the game. Practicing the game on emulator with savestates paid off, the last boss is appropiately the hardest thing in the game. Even when I figured the patterns out I would still sometimes lose against him, he’s rather tricky. This run has quite possibly my best fight against him, I don’t take a single yet until the very last pattern. When he does his four orb attack there’s a small window in which you’re supposed to jump from a platform towards the other side – too soon and you hit the earlier explosion’s tip, too late and you hit the later one’s.

I sort of want to play the game as the other character as well, her weapons act differently enough that new tactics would need to be devised. And her flamethrower is just awesome, it cuts through bosses like…a flamethrower through most things, I suppose. But to balance it out her homing weapon is far worse. We’ll see if I get around to it.

Video at my site and Youtube.

Now to take care of Silver Surfer. And I realized that 2019 is far along and I haven’t started on Street Fighter 2019 yet. Promised myself I’d clear that in its proper year.

Been playing the quite cool PS1 run ‘n gun Gunners Heaven for a few days now. I’ve actually owned the PAL version, Rapid Reload, for many years, but I got the japanese release a while back since naturally the PAL version is lacking the ever-important 60hz.

The game has bosses up the wazoo, most stages have three bosses altogether. They’re very much pattern-based, they telegraph their moves and always do the attacks in the same order so technically once you learn their patterns you shouldn’t have any problems beating them. I still take way too many hits against Stage 2 last boss though, his last attack where he shoots two lasers in quick succession aimed at the player is a bit annoying. I usually try to time a jump and go over the lasers while moving enough to the right so I don’t land on the laser’s lingering scorchmark but not too far so I don’t hit the second laser. The timing’s rather tight there, gotta practice it some or figure out a safer way of dealing with it.

Yesterday I got to Stage 4′s last boss for the first time. After some creditfeeding (the game’s checkpoint-based) I managed to learn his patterns and more importantly, the area leading up to him. The game’s slightly odd feature is that your guns, all four of them which you can switch between at will, aren’t always up at their max level, you have to collect gems dropped by most enemies. As long as you have at least one gem, weapons work at their maximum strength. But the collected gem count keeps dropping constantly (except during boss fights) so you have to keep moving while also killing enough enemies to keep your gem count up. It’s pretty easy to always have your weapons working at max. strength until Stage 4 where after the first boss there’s first a long elevator ride, the second boss and a long corridor without any gem-dropping enemies. If your gem count is too low after the first boss you might have to fight the second one with low-powered weapons. That’s not too bad though, but the corridor afterwards took some tries before I figured out the safest way of dealing with it. You get some gems right before the stage’s last boss, luckily.

Stage 5 is actually a shmup stage. It’s sorta fun, though really easy until the boss, the stage’s only one. Couldn’t beat him after five or so tries. Need to practice and I think I’ll do it on an emulator with savestates just to save some time. The game’s bit on the long side, I’d guess a full run takes around 50 minutes.

I’ve also been playing a bit of the one NES shmup that the Internet calls “utterly crap” and “utterly impossible”. Guess we have AVGN to thank for that. I find Silver Surfer to be fairly fun, though disappointingly easy. After only a few runs I’ve already made it to the last stage. To be fair, I am using autofire which helps a lot here. After I’m finished with Gunners Heaven I’ll return to the Surfer and go for the 1LC.

So today, I went to Sunnyvale Golfland to get my DJMAX Technika and my Beatmania IIDX on.

DJMAX Technika — It begins: COOL ATTACKING

I had a few runs on Technika while I was at SVGL today (technically yesterday). I went for the Heartbeat high scoring set (Remember [TP], Melody [TP], Blythe [TP]) and I was able to clear Colours of Sorrow [TP] without bleeding so much life on the repeats. I’m cherishing my poor accuracy right now because soon I will have to do Cool Attack (getting Cools instead of MAXes) to avoid Area 7 [TP]–don’t get me wrong, it’s a good song and it’s a fun chart, but it’s not high scoring. :(

…and in thinking that, I jinxed myself. I did Customizer (SSSS [PP] -> TCBS [TP] -> Y [TP]), and just as I was getting pumped up for Son of Sun [TP], I noticed that I had gotten enough MAXes to get Sin [TP], which I promptly failed. FML

beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS – Getting “sirius”

Had some runs on IIDX as well. Played a bunch of semi-oldschool songs (Abyss, Monkey Dance, and Colors, just to name a few). Also did some 9′s and 10′s (Elisha [Hyper] doesn’t count as a 10) for the hell of it, the majority of which I failed:

  • Colors [Hyper] – dat “what am I supposed to do?” part
  • Setsugekka [Hyper] – dat scratchfest at the end
  • Spica [Hyper] – dose scales
  • RISLIM -Remix- [Another] – Okay this is actually an 11 but I just had to do it because summer, meme thingy, etc. Even if I could do most of the song, well, dat ending (which I mashed like hell on because I was gonna fail anyway).

Also played a few rounds with a friend of mine’s, and this was were being able to play on separate difficulties came in handy; said friend was willing to play whatever I played even if it was hard, but I didn’t want to overwhelm her so I picked several sub-4 songs. One of the songs was 5.1.1. [Normal] (the only song my friend passed), and although I got a AA I was far from happy with it because it’s not an AAA. I had gotten one freaking point from it on 8th Style (PS2) ages ago, and was unable to repeat it since, not unlike the case with clearing V [Hyper], which I now see as a fluke so big that I don’t even consider it passed anymore.

Next week will be my last time at SVGL for Arcade Mania; I hope to clear Technika‘s Customizer Set by then. (And NOT get Sin [TP].)


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