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finding a mame build that doesn’t completely fuck over mouse control wrt after burner’s finicky vertical aim, I decided to try my hand at the game I got halfway through before totally eating shit.

first 15 or so attempts: die on stage 3 barrel rolling into missiles
next attempt: die on stage 6 barrel rolling into missiles
final attempt: make it to canyon, get first extend (the only non-secret code extend in the game) and then barrel roll into a missile in stage 9

babby steps!

by the way this has absolutely nothing to do with after burner climax coming out for xbla/psn and is most certainly not one of my prospective video capturing projects. nope.

after a wave of moodswings, mental breakdowns, furious masturbation, and hours of world of warcraft i’ve been playing things of actual value!

and by actual value I mean “requires more than a pulse per hour”

been playing borderlands–it’s a diablo clone slash fps that does both parts correctly. if hellgate london was half this good it wouldn’t have closed down!

so far, siren and hunter are the only classes worth playing. being an fps, it’s more valuable to kill whatever’s in sight before it can reach you in the first place.

bit on the easy side, though, and by a bit i mean bioshock-grade difficulty. i’ve been doing every quest the game gives me and i’ve yet to find a boss that can’t be defeated solely by sidestepping him or using the vehicle to lock on to him. supposedly there are three difficulty levels (for each 1-32, 34-48, and 48-50) but I haven’t seen any of them yet, not having progressed halfway into the main quest. maybe the game would be hard if I focused only on the main quest, though due to the damage system (50% less damage versus enemies three levels above = no) that wouldn’t seem any bit viable.

I’m slowly recovering from being crippled everywhere, so I’m sort of back to playing actual games instead of various MMORPGs that take the brainpower of a fly to play.

More rank theorycrafting on Batrider, of course, but I’m also making serious attempts. Serious attempts that have trouble reaching 3m, of course!

So I’m back to creditfeeding practice (don’t knock it, it’s actually pretty good) to relearn the stages I have completely forgotten, especially Highway.

RFJ will be tackled again when this nerve problem completely goes away.

I decided to play Batrider again. Why I switched from RFJ, a game that punishes mistakes upfront, to a game that punishes mistakes but doesn’t tell you that you fucked up until after the fact is beyond me. It’s a change of pace at least.

1- I don’t have my head wired for Raizing medal chaining. Medals can appear anywhere, not just predictable places like Raiden Fighters, and that’s the reason why I can’t keep a medal chain at all.

2- Why am I playing as Carpet when she’s horrible for stages? Familiarity, I guess. Strawman is way better for survival and stage learning in every respect, but I find his firepower a bit lacking.

3- Fuck WordPress for eating the contents of this post the first time I submitted.

14 restarts, 3 failed runs. i shouldn’t be telling myself “it’s only 25% more health, and 50% faster bullets” because that line of thinking doesn’t assume that a lot can change in between a normal and an arcade run.

also apparently i lost all memory of phase 1, hurf da durf. time for some exhaustive sim15-rb1 training sessions in arcade difficulty tomorrow

several failed runs at rfj score attack to warm up, and then tried another serious arcade attempt.

unfortunately, my left wrist decided to lock up (thanks gamepads, rsi all staffs) during playing, so i had to make do and try not to run into bullets and gave up on medal collection in stage 45.

on the plus side, at least i’m 3 million away from my previous RFJ Japan record. so I can probably do better.

wow holy shit

“You’re a real liar! This is fake. You can’t earn 100,000,000 points on Normal difficulty or above. It’s 100% virtually impossible. No Americans can do that. Only Japan can do that. Valcon Games disabled this function upon the game’s release. This video should go straight into trash and never should viewed again. This is just a video that only pussies would fall for. How stupid! STUPID! STUPID!! STUUUPIIIIIIDDD!!!!”

(read comments section)

he also posted on gamefags:

“How can you honestly do that when you need to set the game’s difficulty to Normal? It’s impossible because enemy bullets are everywhere and it’s not always possible to dodge. Everyone should just give this achievement up. Nobody in the US can do that. This is a Japan-only thing. End of story.”

also sent me a pm on xbox live (his gamertag is “Zeitgeist EX” btw):

“How do you actually intend to get 100,000,000 Scores in Raiden Fighter Aces? That’s impossible for me because I have to play on Normal difficulty and I can’t use continues and I can’t evade enemy attacks. Nothing works and now I believe this is Japan only”

i’m so fuckin stoked i got a falsificare, that means i’m in the BIG LEAGUES

nah actually i’m just redoing the rfj strategy guide, pranked

i just realized how fucking badly it was written i’m gonna need a proofreader and checker

guess i’ll use shmups irc

could see a lot more improvement (300k) if I took advantage of all possible grazing spots.

i’m guessing it’s possible to get a 5.4m score with judge spear due to the extra bomb and weapon power, but grazing would be very difficult.


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